Disney history buffs, this trivia post is for you! Today (September 5, 2023) marks the 96th birthday of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, who first graced the screen on September 5, 1927 in the short Trolley Troubles. Oswald went on to star in a total of 26 animated shorts created by Walt.
Let’s visit a bit with Oswald for today’s trivia.
Question 1 – Oswald may be the immediate precursor to Mickey Mouse, but he is not Walt’s first blockbuster success. What character / series was Walt’s first major success?
Question 2 – There have been some 190 Oswald cartoons created. After successfully creating – and improving upon – the first 26 shorts, Walt approached his distributor for a pay increase, only to learn that this “charming” distributor owned the rights to Oswald, and would only offer Walt a pay CUT. What was the name of this nefarious distributor?
Question 3 – I’ve shared trivia before about how The Walt Disney Company “traded” sports broadcaster Al Michaels to NBC / Universal in 2006 for the rights to Oswald. Oswald’s first appearance in a Disney cartoon short came as a cameo in a 2013 short. What is the name of this short? Here’s a hint – the short was shown in theaters, paired with the blockbuster film Frozen.
Take your best guesses, then tap Oswald to see the answer.

Good Luck!
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