The Marvels is Releasing on Disney+ Next Month

the marvels poster image

January 22, 2024

Written by: Jim Smith

(A version of this article was shared with Pirates and Princesses and published on January 22, 2024.)

Marvel Studios has revealed that their latest film, The Marvels, is releasing to Disney+ on February 7th. This date falls just shy of the three-month mark since the film was released in theaters on November 10, 2023.

The latest big screen offering from Marvel Studios made a poor showing at the Box Office, prompting Disney to stop reporting weekend box office earnings after only four weeks in the theater. Disney made a note to this effect stating to the press stating, “With The Marvels box office now winding down, we will stop weekend reporting of international/global grosses on this title.”

Since its debut, The Marvels has earned about $81 million domestically and just under $200 million worldwide. This makes The Marvels the lowest earning film in the MCU franchise, with the previous lowest earner being The Incredible Hulk, which earned about $134 million domestic and $264 million worldwide.

While The Marvels may be the MCU’s lowest earning film, it is far from being the worst film in the franchise. That being said, it is not fantastic either, weighing in near the top of the lower third of all MCU films (in my opinion) as far as overall film quality and storytelling.

captain marvel
Image: Disney

The film showcases an intentionally comical trio of Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), and Captain Monica Rambeau, who must find a way to work together against a common foe. The film plays with concepts of friendship, mentorship, and teamwork, but unfortunately falls into the ever-present Marvel trap of overpowering too many superheroes. I believe it was Syndrome from the Disney-Pixar film The Incredibles who said “When everyone’s super…no one will be.”

If you saw The Marvels in the theater, was it worth the trip for you? Let us know with a message on social: Instagram Facebook X (formerly Twitter)

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