Believe it or not, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace is celebrating its 25th anniversary. That means Jake Lloyd – the boy of 10 who played the part of young Anakin Skywalker – is now 35 years old!
In celebration of this Star Wars milestone, enjoy a few trivia questions about the cast of characters for Darth Vader’s origin story.
Question 1: Which four actors in the film are the only ones to reprise their roles from the original Star Wars trilogy (Episode IV through Episode VI)?
Question 2: Darth Maul – memorably sliced in half near the end of the film – appeared in one other Star Wars feature film. Which one?
Question 3: Qui-Gon Jinn – Jedi Master and Mentor to Obi-Wan Kenobi – was played in live action by actor Liam Neeson. Qui-Gon has appeared in numerous Star Wars television series and films – usually as an animated representation, or in a voice-only role. But Liam Neeson did return to physically represent Qui-Gon on one other occasion. In what production (film or television) did Neeson return as Qui-Gon?
Question 4: Darth Vader has a long and chronicled history in Star Wars lore. How many different actors have played the tragic figure in live action film and television – not counting voice-only roles or stunt doubles? Bonus points if you can name all of the actors.
Question 5: Jar Jar Binks was infamously played by actor Ahmed Best. While Best caught a Forceful amount of grief from angry fans over the goofy nature of Jar Jar, Best returned to play a very different character in a more recent Star Wars production. In what film or television show did Best recently appear?
Take your best guesses, then tap Vader to see the answer.

Good Luck!
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