Facts and Figment

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Walt Disney World’s Only Resort Attraction: Answer

Walt Disney World’s Only Resort Attraction: Answer

The Spire of Notre Dame: Answer

The Spire of Notre Dame: Answer

Answer: The Original WWW

Answer: The Original WWW

Name the Disney Character: Answer

Name the Disney Character: Answer

Answer: Ringo Starr’s Sherman Brothers Song

Answer: Ringo Starr’s Sherman Brothers Song

Answer: Dr. Nigel Channing – Chairman of the Imagination Institute

Answer: Dr. Nigel Channing – Chairman of the Imagination Institute

Answer: Nick Fury – Founder of the Avengers

Answer: Nick Fury – Founder of the Avengers

Answer: Tony Stark – Superstar Avenger

Answer: Tony Stark – Superstar Avenger

Answers: Disney Princess Firsts

Answers: Disney Princess Firsts

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