It’s quite clear that I love talking about all things Disney. It’s an easy task when surrounded by others who enjoy Disney as much as I do. But talking Disney can be especially rewarding when done with someone who doesn’t live and breathe the magic quite as much as I do.
This was the case last week when I joined Mark Steadman on his podcast – List Envy. On his creative podcast, Mark invites guests from all walks of life to join him in curating a top five list on a subject of their choosing. When Mark invited me to join him on the show, we were first going to attempt to pick the top five attractions in all of Walt Disney World.
When I thought more about this, I quickly concluded that there is no way I could, in good conscience, pick only five attractions in all of Walt Disney World. Heck, picking the top five attractions from any single Disney theme park is challenging enough! But I acknowledged that maybe – just maaayyybeee – I could select a top five list of attractions in Magic Kingdom.
With that challenge set for us, Mark and I each crafted our own top five list, then compared them and selected our joint top five. This was a fun discussion – the perfect combination of childish whimsy and Disney history.

Enjoy our discussion on List Envy. And if you like this episode, you’ll enjoy some of List Envy’s other far-reaching topics as well.
(By the way – out of this exercise came my effort to select the top ten attractions in all of Walt Disney World. Did your favorites make the list?)
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