Disney Muppets Trivia: Down at Fraggle Rock

03 jim henson fraggles

December 1, 2020

Written by: Jim Smith

Watching films or episodes of the Muppets can be as rewarding to Muppets fans as watching Star Wars or Marvel films is to those rabid fans – chock full of cameos and Easter eggs. As a historical fan of the Muppets, I had sadly never seen Muppet Christmas Carol. It always appealed to me, but it just hit at the wrong time in my life, until now, when I circled back to check out a film I never got to know. As sweet and engaging as the film is, I found myself constantly scanning the crowds for old familiar favorites.

In doing this, it was with great glee that I noticed my second favorite Muppet dog (behind the one and only Rowlf) – Sprocket from Fraggle Rock. When I was looking for Muppets, I wasn’t really thinking about Fraggles, but there he was! It hit me like a ton of bricks, remembering that show from when I was a little kid.

Jim Henson with five Fraggles and several Doozers.

I’ll spare you the tears, but instead I’ll share with you a multi-part trivia question based entirely on Fraggle Rock and it’s very diverse residents. For fans of the show, I hope this will be a sweet-tasting trip down memory lane!

Question 1: Fraggles are the “medium-sized” inhabitants of their world of caves. Can you name the tiny green creatures who also live in the caves, and the large ogre-like creatures who live just outside the cave’s outdoor entrance?

Answer: The tiny green creatures living inside the caves are called Doozers, and the large ogre-like creatures living outside the cave are called Gorgs.

Question 2: Fraggle Rock focuses around five specific Fraggles, and one of them – Gobo – has a family member who sends him postcards from his adventures around the world. What is the name of Gobo’s adventurous family member?

Uncle Travelling Matt

Answer: Uncle Travelling Matt! Matt sends Gobo postcards from his travels around the globe, and we as viewers get to see every entertaining detail of Matt’s adventures.

Question 3: We may think of Fraggles (and most Muppets) as odd-looking creatures. But to Fraggles, we humans look just as odd. Gobo has regular close encounters with one human – Doc – and his heretofore mentioned dog Sprocket. What do Fraggles call us humans?

Doc and Sprocket

Answer: Silly Creatures from Outer Space – While we may think Fraggles are odd creatures, those loveable Muppets think the exact same thing about us. Doc and his dog Sprocket are by far the most common of the silly creatures most Fraggles ever see. But Uncle Travelling Matt on the other hand…

Question 4: Can you name the Fraggles’ favorite snack? (hint – if you know the answer to the first question, you are halfway to answering this one correctly)

Doozer Sticks – a little sweet, and a little savory

Answer: Doozer Sticks – these are basically pieces of the Doozers’ building construction. Clear, shiny, crunchy – and supposedly made of radishes.

I hope you enjoyed this trivia quiz as much as I enjoyed making it. And if you are interested in new Fraggle material, rumor has it that AppleTV+ has ordered a reboot of the series!

“Dance your cares away, worries for another day
Let the music play, Down in Fraggle Rock!”

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