Ed Wynn. You may know his name, or perhaps you may not. But you definitely know his laugh. That unforgettable, whimsical hoot.
Vaudeville comic, radio performer, and comedy legend turned serious actor – the self-dubbed “Perfect Fool” has done a little bit of everything. In the Disney universe, he is best known for being the voice and personality for the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland, as well as Uncle Albert in Mary Poppins.
During Wynn’s Disney career, it seemed as if everything he touched turned to gold, prompting Walt Disney to refer to him as “our good luck charm.”
Wynn died in 1966, but a loving tribute to his personality was performed by voice genius Alan Tudyk in an early 2010s Disney animated film.
For this trivia question – do you know which character, in which animated film, paid direct homage to Ed Wynn’s comic genius?
Take your best guess, then click on the Mad Hatter to find the answer, along with some other unique facts about this Disney Legend.

Image: Disney
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