Lurkey's Turkeys hot...
Lurkey's Turkeys cold...
Lurkey's Turkeys taste good nine days old…

Cold Turkey, released in 1951, is a vintage Pluto cartoon. It is a classic dog vs. cat battle, featuring Pluto and lesser known Milton the Siamese cat, lounging on a lazy afternoon, until they are entranced by a mouthwatering commercial for a savory turkey. The two team up to get the uncooked turkey out of the fridge, then battle it out over who gets dibs on it. As you might imagine, hilarity ensues, and the turkey ends up burnt to a crisp. Not even the wishbone survived.

The short was directed by Charles Nichols, with music by Paul Smith.

While this short is just one of many that Pluto has appeared in over the years, his friend Milton, a Siamese cat, only appeared in a couple other Disney shorts, including Puss Café and Plutopia.