Disney Parks Trivia: Magic Kingdom’s Hall of Presidents – The Second Speaking President

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November 3, 2020

Written by: Jim Smith

The Hall of Presidents is one of the longest standing attractions at Magic Kingdom, opening with the park in 1971. It is modeled after Philadelphia’s Independence Hall.  The attraction includes animatronic figures of all 44 U.S. presidents.

When the attraction first opened, Abraham Lincoln was the only president with a speaking role, which leads me to this trivia question.  Can you name the second U.S. president to receive a speaking role in this elegant attraction?

President William J. Clinton

Answer: Bill Clinton

The Hall of Presidents closed for a lengthy refurbishment in 1993, and when it reopened, Bill Clinton addressed the audience using dialogue recorded by Clinton himself. This was the first time any U.S. President, other than Abraham Lincoln, spoke at any Disney attraction.  It was also the first of the recent line of U.S. presidents to record dialogue for Disney, which has then been added to the attraction along with their figure. Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump have all followed suit.

President Clinton addresses the audience in the Hall of Presidents

Fun Fact: The Hall of Presidents displays the official seal of the President of the United States. Disney requested and received special permission from the U.S. Congress to do this, as the seal is generally only allowed to be displayed in the presence of a U.S. president.

The official seal of the President of the United States of America

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