The 1963 Disney film The Incredible Journey features three pets – a young Labrador Retriever named Luath, an older Bull Terrier named Bodger, and a spry Siamese cat named Tao – who set off through the Candian wilderness to find their way home. It is a classic Disney film I adored as a child when it was shown to us in school (in the 80s, not the 60s), and it was remade in 1993 as Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey.
In the original 1963 version, Tao the Siamese cat was played by a cat actor named Syn, who is better known as the star of a different Disney film.
Can you name the other Disney film starring Syn the cat?
And the answer is:
That Darn Cat
This 1965 Disney comedy film stars cat actor Cyn as DC (short for Darn Cat), a scrappy Siamese house cat who witnesses a kidnapping, then becomes the focal point of an investigation leading to the discovery of a kidnapped woman and the arrest of her kidnappers. Disney Legend Hayley Mills starred as the human lead in this humorously cute comedy.
After seeing That Darn Cat for the first time just a couple months ago, DC has quickly rated as one of my favorite Disney cats.
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